To, Too and Two are three words that native English speakers sometimes spell incorrectly when writing.


Because these three words are Homophones. A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another word but differs in meaning, and may differ in spelling. So To, Too and Two are pronounced the same though both the spelling and the meaning of each word is different.

Here is a new chart which highlights the main meanings and uses of To, Too and Two:

The difference between TO, TOO and TWO in English - Meanings and Example sentences

You can find more example sentences with additional details about the use of each word here: To vs Too vs Two

Once you feel comfortable with the rules, why not try the following game: To – Too – Two – English Game

Just to take it a little further, here is another chart I created which compares Too with Very (and Enough):

The difference between VERY, TOO and ENOUGH in English with correct word order and example sentences

You can find more details about the difference between Too, Very and Enough here: Very vs Too vs Enough

And of course we have a game about these words too: Very vs Too vs Enough – English Grammar Game.

English Teacher Resources

TO, TOO, TWO - Task Cards - ELA Resources

Charts that explain the difference between TO, TOO and TWO in English. Frequently Confused Words in English - ELA / ESL Resource.


I hope this wasn’t too difficult to understand for the two people that actually read these posts. 🙂


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