Last night we finally reached 1,000,000 subscribers on our Woodward English YouTube channel.
Ange and I would like to thank EVERYONE who has supported us over the years by watching our videos.
Also, thanks to the MANY English teachers who tell their students to watch our lessons… even if the students do so reluctantly ha ha ha! It helps us a lot!
There are two things that Ange and I have enjoyed the most on this journey:
1. We love reading the comments you make about how we have helped you in some way (either as a teacher OR as a student), that was why we created this YouTube channel… to help others. Yes, we do read EVERY single comment.
2. We have made many friends along the way thanks to their comments and interactions in livestreams.
Again, thank you EVERYONE for supporting us and we hope to continue seeing you in the future!
Rob and Ange
Quick Thought: This makes us one of the largest YouTube channels in New Zealand … though it is funny that nobody HERE in NZ knows who we are. Then again, in New Zealand there are only about 100 people and a few million sheep 😉 ha ha ha!
YouTube Award: Gold Play Button Unboxing
Here is the unboxing of the YouTube Gold Play Button that we received: