I have just created a new chart about how to say your age in English. The reason I created this is because in English we use TO BE for your age and not have as in some other languages. (In Spanish you use tener, In French avoir , in Italian avere, but in English we do...
I have just created a NEW CHART about the difference between FOR and SINCE in English: More details about this difference, see out grammar notes here: http://www.grammar.cl/Notes/For_Since.htm (On that grammar page we also have a PDF with exercises you can complete)...
We have already seen the difference between All day vs. Every day vs. Everyday. Well, I have just created a new chart about the difference between All, Every and Each with other words: Note: This chart only shows some of the differences between these words. We have...
I have a new chart for you. The difference between FEW, A FEW, LITTLE and A LITTLE in English. (These are known grammatically as quantifiers) There are more notes at the bottom of this page: Much, Many, Lot, Few, Little which includes more example sentences. Once you...
I have just created two new charts. The first chart shows the structure of So + Auxiliary + Subject. This is used to show agreement (and how you or someone else is similar) with a positive statement that the first person said. The second chart shows the structure of...