The longest word in the English language How long do you think the longest word in the English language is? Think about the word ‘beautiful’. That’s 9 letters. So maybe the longest one is 10, 11 or 12 letters long? No, it has 28 letters! Antidisestablishmentarianism...
Strangers or Foreigners Common mistake “There were many strangers at the hostel. It was great to meet so many new people.” Strangers = people you have never met, seen or talked to. To call someone a stranger is not particularly friendly. e.g. “Call the police! There’s...
Business OR Busyness A common mistake amongst English students is the spelling of Business. Bussyness, bizness, buziness, bussiness and bussnis are just some of the spellings I’ve seen! To remember, think – business is full of busy-ness (busi-ness)! Busy =...