Redundant Letters

Redundant Letters

Redundant Letters One of the most difficult things in English is spelling and pronunciation. Because English is a mish mash of Latin, Old English, French, German, Greek… in fact every language in Europe. There are a lot of odd spellings for words which originated from...
Maybe or May be – What is the difference?

Maybe or May be – What is the difference?

When do you use maybe and when do you use may be? This is a common mistake for students learning English (and sometimes native speakers too!). The simplest explanation is: Maybe = perhaps May be = is possibly Our boss was sick yesterday so he may be absent from work...
The longest word in the English language

The longest word in the English language

The longest word in the English language How long do you think the longest word in the English language is? Think about the word ‘beautiful’. That’s 9 letters. So maybe the longest one is 10, 11 or 12 letters long? No, it has 28 letters! Antidisestablishmentarianism...
House vs Home difference

House vs Home difference

The difference between HOUSE and HOME Something that confuses people learning English is the difference between HOUSE and HOME A HOUSE is the BUILDING where the majority of people live. It normally has bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom and a dining room....
Pretty Beautiful Handsome Ugly

Pretty Beautiful Handsome Ugly

Beautiful Women and Handsome Men Did you know that there are over 170,000 words in the English language and over 25% of them are adjectives? (Adjectives are used for descriptions) A common mistake with adjectives is when describing people. To describe a woman we could...

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