The difference between Meet and Get together It’s Friday night and you have plans to see a movie with your friends. So what expression do we use in English to explain that you will join with your friends at the cinema at 9pm? A. I will meet my friends at the cinema....
We have just created two new charts containing photos of Fruit and Vegetables. Each photo has the name of that fruit/vegetable in English under it. We also have a video to help you learn the pronunciation of the vegetables that appear in the chart (we also show the...
We have created some new English vocabulary games about different parts of the house and what you can often find in each room or place. But before you try these game, I recommend looking through our reading passages containing much of the information and vocabulary...
Below is another chart we have created, this time about different Jobs, Professions and Occupations. One activity you can do using this chart is say what a person does in each profession. You can do this by asking the question What does a/an X do? For example: What...
Free time means the same as Leisure time. It’s the time when you are not at work or school and usually have no other obligations to fulfill. You can decide on how to spend that time you have free. Here is a chart of 12 things you can do in your free time: We...