What is the difference between Color and Colour?
Both words have the same meaning.
- colors = colours
You can see a difference in spelling. One word has OR and the other word has OUR.
The spelling depends on the country where the word is written.
- Color is used in American English.
- Colour (with the letter U) is used in British English.
This difference of OR in American English and OUR in British English also appears in some other words.
- Favorite – American English
- Favourite – British English
- Neighbor – American English
- Neighbour – British English
When you use these words together, make sure they are both in the American English form (without a U) or both in the British English form (with the letter U).
- What is your favorite color?
This is how it is written in American English… no letter U.
- What is your favourite colour?
This is how it is written in British English… both with the letter U.
Don’t mix them when writing.
- What is your favorite colour? (NOT correct)
This example is NOT correct because favorite is in American English and colour is in British English. You cannot mix styles.