We already know the days of the week in English …
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Remember, when you write a day of the week, the first letter of the day is a CAPITAL letter.
- monday ❌
- Monday ✅
What are the parts of the day?
The main parts of the day are:
- morning
- afternoon
- evening
- night
So HOW can we join these two together?
Day + Part of the Day
We can join a day of the week with a part of the day.
We say:
- Monday morning
- Tuesday afternoon
- Wednesday evening
- Thursday night
We DON’T put anything between the two words.
We do not say:
- Monday
in themorning ❌ - Saturday
atnight ❌
We say:
- Monday morning ✅
- Saturday night ✅
(Remember to write the first letter of the day with a capital letter)
⏰ DAY + Part of the Day ⏰
We don’t say: Saturday in the night ❌
We say: Saturday night ✅
We don’t say: Sunday in the morning ❌
We say: Sunday in the morning ✅