If you could spend one day as someone else, who would it be and why? – Q9


If you could spend one day as someone else, who would it be and why?

Woodward English Conversation Question 9

Spend time = to use your time doing something or being with someone.

Normally you use spend time + with + person / people.

You spend time with a person.
You don’t say pass time or use time with a person.

It means to occupy your time in the presence or company of another person or people.

  • I love spending time with my kids.
  • Do you spend much time with your parents?

You can also replace the word time for a specific time period.

  • I spent two hours with my mother-law last night.
  • We spent the entire day watching movies at home.

(Notice how the last sentence doesn’t specifically say who I was with)

Spend time as a person means TO BE that person for a day.

  • When I was at the Iguazu Falls, I spent the day as a translator for some members of our group.

But more than pretending to be a person, this question refers to the (impossible/fantasy) way of physically and mentally becoming another person.

A similar expression is to be in someone’s shoes.

  • You wouldn’t want to be in my shoes!
  • I wouldn’t like to be in his shoes right now.

This means you wouldn’t want to be me in my position experiencing this situation.

So, who would YOU like to spend a day as?

Examples of people you may want to be for a day

If you cannot think of someone you would like to spend a day as, here are some examples to help you choose a person:

  • my wife / husband / partner
  • my mother / father (or other family member)
  • a famous singer
  • a famous actor
  • a sportsperson
  • a famous writer
  • a famous comedian
  • my boss
  • a billionaire
  • someone you admire
  • president or prime minister
  • king or queen

Why would you like to spend a day as that person?

Maybe because you…

  • admire someone
  • want to experience what it’s like to be that person
  • want to know what it feels like to live another life different from your own
  • want to know what it feels like to be in his/her shoes
  • want to help people
  • want to buy a lot of things
  • want to experience having the same talent

If you could spend one day as someone else, who would it be and why?

If you could spend one day as someone else, who would it be and why? - English Conversation Question 9

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