English Course – Level 1 – Lesson 3
I – You – We – They
- I
- You
- We
- They
I speak, you speak …
- I speak English.
- You speak English.
- We speak English.
- They speak English.

I live, you live …
- I live
- You live
- We live
- They live
Live + in + country
- I live in England.
- You live in England.
- We live in England.
- They live in England.

I live in …

I live in Brazil.

I live in Mexico.

I live in Italy.

I live in England.
- I live in Mexico.
- You live in Mexico.
- We live in Mexico.
- They live in Mexico.
- I live in Brazil.
- You live in Brazil.
- We live in Brazil.
- They live in Brazil.
- I live in Italy.
- You live in Italy.
- We live in Italy.
- They live in Italy.
Country ➡️ Language
England ➡️ English
Mexico ➡️ Spanish
Brazil ➡️ Portuguese
Italy ➡️ Italian

I live in (country) and I speak (language)
- I live in England and I speak English.
- I live in Mexico and I speak Spanish.
- I live in Brazil and I speak Portuguese.
- I live in Italy and I speak Italian.
You live in (country) and you speak (language)
- You live in England and you speak English.
- You live in Mexico and you speak Spanish.
- You live in Brazil and you speak Portuguese.
- You live in Italy and you speak Italian.
We live in (country) and we speak (language)
- We live in England and we speak English.
- We live in Mexico and we speak Spanish.
- We live in Brazil and we speak Portuguese.
- We live in Italy and we speak Italian.
They live in (country) and they speak (language)
- They live in England and they speak English.
- They live in Mexico and they speak Spanish.
- They live in Brazil and they speak Portuguese.
- They live in Italy and they speak Italian.
For Spanish speakers (Para hispanohablantes)
Puedes ver esta lección de inglés con explicaciones en español aquí: Curso de inglés – Nivel 1 – Lección 3
(Translation: You can see this lesson explained in Spanish here)