English Course – Level 1 – Lesson 5
He – She
- I
- You
- We
- They
- He
- She

Speak – Speaks
- I speak English.
- You speak English.
- We speak English.
- They speak English.
- He speaks English.
- She speaks English.
He speak English. ❌
He speaks English. ✅
- I speak Spanish.
- You speak Spanish.
- We speak Spanish.
- They speak Spanish.
- He speaks Spanish.
- She speaks Spanish.
She speak Spanish. ❌
She speaks Spanish. ✅
Speak ? Speaks ?
I ___ Italian.
I speak Italian.
You ___ Spanish.
You speak Spanish.
He ___ French.
He speaks French.
We ___ Arabic.
We speak Arabic.
They ___ Portuguese.
They speak Portuguese.
She ___ Japanese.
She speaks Japanese.
Live – Lives
- I live in London.
- You live in London.
- We live in London.
- They live in London.
- He lives in London.
- She lives in London.
He live in London. ❌
He lives in London. ✅
- I live in Paris.
- You live in Paris.
- We live in Paris.
- They live in Paris.
- He lives in Paris.
- She lives in Paris.
She live in Paris. ❌
She lives in Paris. ✅
Live ? Lives ?
We ___ in Rome.
We live in Rome.
She ___ in France.
She lives in France.
They ___ in Berlin.
They live in Berlin.
You ___ in Madrid.
You live in Madrid.
He ___ in Egypt.
He lives in Egypt.
I ___ in Australia.
I live in Australia.

live / lives – speak / speaks
- I live in London and I speak English.
- He lives in London and he speaks English.
- You live in Madrid and you speak Spanish.
- She lives in Madrid and she speaks Spanish.
- We live in Sydney and we speak English.
- He lives in Sydney and he speaks English.
- They live in Rome and they speak Italian.
- She lives in Rome and she speaks Italian.
- I live in Paris and I speak French.
- He lives in Paris and he speaks French.
- You live in Cairo and you speak Arabic.
- She lives in Cairo and she speaks Arabic.
- We live in Berlin and we speak German.
- He lives in Berlin and he speaks German.
- They live in Tokyo and they speak Japanese.
- She lives in Tokyo and she speaks Japanese.
For Spanish speakers (Para hispanohablantes)
Puedes ver esta lección de inglés con explicaciones en español aquí: PRONTO
(Translation: You can see this lesson explained in Spanish here)