How to say your age in English

How to say your age in English

I have just created a new chart about how to say your age in English. The reason I created this is because in English we use TO BE for your age and not have as in some other languages. (In Spanish you use tener, In French avoir , in Italian avere, but in English we do...
Learn English on Periscope

Learn English on Periscope

Something that I have heard about, though pretty much ignored the last months, is a relatively “new” app called Periscope (it is only been around about a year). It is owned by Twitter. I love languages so I thought I would check it out to see if it would...
LOOK FORWARD TO – phrasal verb – meanings and examples

LOOK FORWARD TO – phrasal verb – meanings and examples

The English phrasal verb LOOK FORWARD TO has the following meaning: 1. Look forward to = to be eagerly waiting for something pleasant (transitive) When a person feels happy or excited about something that is going to happen. The person is eagerly waiting for a...
LOOK FOR – phrasal verb – meanings and examples

LOOK FOR – phrasal verb – meanings and examples

The English phrasal verb LOOK FOR has the following meaning: 1. Look for = to search / to try to find (transitive) When a person is searching for or trying to find someone or something. You often look for something when you have lost it or need it. A synonyms is to...

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