Putting up the Christmas Tree – Xmas in New Zealand

Putting up the Christmas Tree – Xmas in New Zealand

Christmas in New Zealand is completely different from what appears in movies. In this video we will be talking about Christmas in New Zealand and typical things associated with Christmas, all while putting up a Christmas tree with some special helpers. What does Xmas...
Mustn’t vs. Don’t Have To

Mustn’t vs. Don’t Have To

If you haven’t already seen them yet, I recommend reviewing our lessons about the modal verb MUST and also the lesson about difference between MUST and HAVE TO. In this lesson we are going to look at the difference between MUSTN’T and DON’T HAVE TO. What is the...
Must vs. Have To

Must vs. Have To

 In our last lesson, we saw how to use the modal verb MUST in English. Sometimes HAVE TO is used instead of MUST. For example you may hear: I must write a letter to John. OR I have to write a letter to John. What is the difference between MUST and HAVE TO? MUST and...

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