It’s raining cats and dogs

It’s raining cats and dogs

You may have heard the expression “It’s raining cats and dogs” and wondered what it means. When someone uses this English idiom, it means that it is raining very heavily. That there is a downpour (heavy rain). Oh course it has nothing to do with...
The Difference between Fun and Funny

The Difference between Fun and Funny

A common mistake for students learning English is the difference between Fun and Funny. What is the difference between Fun and Funny? Both can be used as adjectives (words that describe something) Funny = it makes you laugh Fun = when you enjoy yourself and have a...
Let’s eat Grandma

Let’s eat Grandma

As you can see, punctuation is very important, especially if the comma is missing from the following: Let’s eat, Grandma This is like an invitation to your grandmother saying something like “Hey Grandma, why don’t we have something to eat.”...
Bean Soup Joke in English

Bean Soup Joke in English

The Joke Customer: Waiter, what do you call this soup? Waiter: It’s bean soup, sir. Customer: I don’t care what it’s been. What is it now?       Vocabulary Bean (noun) = a common vegetable To call (verb) = to name Soup = cooked food in a liquid form...
To lose my train of thought

To lose my train of thought

To lose my train of thought = to be talking and then suddenly forget what you were talking about. Examples Yesterday I… oh look, there’s a bird at the window. Wait, what was I saying? I lost my train of thought. Every time she tried to tell me her story, she would get...

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