The Catfish Joke

The Catfish Joke

Vocabulary Catfish – (noun) a species of fish. To fish – (verb) to try and catch/hunt for fish, usually with a fishing rod. Rod – (noun) the pole/stick that has a (nylon) line and hook to catch fish. Rod is a short way of saying  fishing rod. The joke Fisherman A:...
ED Pronunciation in English

ED Pronunciation in English

In English there are many words that end in ED. There are the regular verbs in past tense that end in ED (like wanted, looked and cleaned etc.), there are regular past participles that end in ED (needed, watched, used etc.), and there are also adjectives that end in...
All right vs. Alright

All right vs. Alright

A common doubt that even native English speakers have is whether to write All right (two words) or Alright (one word). What is the difference between All right and Alright? All right (adjective/adverb): in a satisfactory manner but not especially good; acceptable;...

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