GET AROUND – phrasal verb – meanings and examples

GET AROUND – phrasal verb – meanings and examples

The English phrasal verb GET AROUND has the following meanings: 1. Get around = to become known (intransitive) When something becomes known, especially news. This phrasal verb is sometimes used in a negative way, as in when something becomes known by a lot of people,...
GET BY – phrasal verb – meanings and examples

GET BY – phrasal verb – meanings and examples

 The English phrasal verb GET BY has the following meanings: 1. Get by = to do things with the minimal amount (intransitive) When someone is doing something with just enough of what they need. They can do what they need to do with the bare essentials though often...
GET ACROSS – phrasal verb – meanings and examples

GET ACROSS – phrasal verb – meanings and examples

 The English phrasal verb GET ACROSS has the following meaning: 1. Get across = to successfully communicate (transitive) When someone makes their message or point of view clear or understood, usually when other people are having a difficult time understanding that...

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