How to pronounce the ED in English

How to pronounce the ED in English

In English there are many words that end in ED. There are the regular verbs in past tense that end in ED (like Visited, Hoped and Lived), and there are also adjectives that end in ED (e.g. relaxed, tired etc.). Did you know that there are three different ways to...
Travel vs Trip – Difference

Travel vs Trip – Difference

What is the difference between Travel and Trip? These two words frequently confuse learners of English. A quick explanation that is valid for most situations is the following: Travel – a verb (the action) Trip – a noun Susan’s husband isn’t in town at the moment; he...
The distance does not matter – Quote

The distance does not matter – Quote

The distance doesn’t matter; it is only the first step that is difficult. Marquise de Deffand, 1697 – 1780 Vocabulary To matter – (verb) to have significance or importance Thoughts on the Quote Distance is referring to a journey towards a particular goal. The quote is...
How did you find your steak?

How did you find your steak?

The Joke Waiter: How did you find the steak sir? Customer: Oh, I just moved the potato and there it was! Vocabulary To find = (verb) in the context of this joke ‘to find’ means to have an opinion on something. It can also mean to discover the location of something....
How did you find your steak?

A fly without wings

The Joke… Question: What do you call a fly without wings? Answer: A walk   Vocabulary Fly (noun) – a common black insect that is attracted to faecal matter and rubbish. Wings (noun) – A pair of limbs that birds and insects use to fly Why is it funny? It is...

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