Desert the dessert in the desert

Desert the dessert in the desert

Desert the dessert in the desert! Desert can be a verb and a noun though with two completely different meanings. To Desert means to leave without intending to return. It can also mean to abandon. A Desert is a dry place which receives very little rainfall. The verb is...
To spill the beans

To spill the beans

To spill the beans = to confess; reveal a secret, to tell the truth, usually accidentally. To Spill (verb) = to cause something to fall out of a container, such as water from a glass Beans (noun) = the kidney-shaped seeds of certain vegetables such as peas To spill...
I was born in California

I was born in California

THE JOKE Man: “I was born in California.” Woman: “Which part?” Man: “All of me.”   Why is it funny? The woman is asking which part (or area) in California the man was born in, such as San Francisco, or another city. Instead the...
Learn English every day

Learn English every day

Learn something new every day One of the most important things about learning English (or any language) is to be consistent. It is best to learn a little every day than try and learn a lot in one day and nothing over the next ones. The more frequently you have contact...

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