English Days of the Week – Missing Letters


Days of the Week in English – Missing Letters and Order Activity
ESL/ELL Teacher Resource


Days of the Week in English – Missing letters and Correct Order

There are two activities on this worksheet. The first activity is to complete the names of the days of the week with the letters that are missing. The seven days appear in random order and there are spaces (lines) so that students know how many letters there are in the name of that day in English.

The second activity on the right is to write the days of the week in English in their correct chronological order.

Note: There are two versions of this worksheet due to spelling. One contains favorite the other favourite. Use the worksheet that is more appropriate for your country. This is why there will be four pages when you download the pdf.

This resource is part of our ESL/ELL Bundle of Activities – Days of the Week.

CONTENT: This pack contains 2 Pages:

  • Missing letters and Order – Student Worksheet – (1 page)
  • Missing letters and Order – Teacher Answers – (1 page)

LEVEL: Beginner (CEFR – A1 Level)
AGE: Young learners
Format: .PDF

Una actividad de deletrear los días del año en inglés.

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