English Error Analysis Flash Cards & Worksheets – Set 1


English Error Analysis Flash Cards & Worksheets – Set 1 – Woodward English


English Error Analysis Flash Cards & Worksheets – Set 1

This activity contains 50 sentences that all have an error.
Students need to write each sentence correctly.

There are two versions of this error analysis activity:

Error Analysis Flash Cards

There are 50 individual flash cards, one for each error.
Each flash card says:

This sentence is not correct.
(Sentence with an error appears here)

Write the sentence correctly.
(There is a line/space where the answer can be written)

See the preview image for the exact format of the flash cards.

One option is to have students write their answers in a workbook/exercise book. Another alternative is to have the student(s) give the answer orally.
There is a number in the top left corner of each flash card for convenience.

Error Analysis Worksheets

Instead of individual flash cards, the sentences are listed on two worksheets with numbers next to them.
At the top of each worksheet it says:

Each sentence is NOT incorrect.
Write the sentence correctly.
Sometimes there is more than one possible answer.

See the preview image for the exact format of the worksheet.

The 50 sentences are divided into two worksheets containing 25 sentences each. Both are numbered 1-25 so that they can be used in any order or the teacher can choose just one of them to use if they like. There is another version that has the last 25 errors (errors 26 to 50 according to the flash cards) listed with their corresponding numbers in case you want them to coincide with the flash card numbering.

Answers for Teachers / Parents

There are versions of both activities (both flash cards and worksheets) that have the correct answers which students can use to check their own work or as a reference guide for teachers / parents.

Level of this activity

This error analysis is aimed at students at a lower intermediate level. Some of the errors may be for lower levels though they are good as a revision activity. (Also helps to build their confidence so they can see how much they have advanced.)

Some of the grammar errors include: prepositions, comparatives, subject + verb agreement, tenses, apostrophe S, word order.

Some of the vocabulary errors include: do vs. make, travel vs. trip, incorrect spelling.

CONTENT: This English resource contains 24 Pages:

  • Error Analysis Flash CardsStudent version – (9 pages)
  • Error Analysis Flash CardsAnswer version – (9 pages)
  • Error analysis worksheets with 25 sentences (both numbered 1-25) – (2 pages)
  • Error analysis worksheets with 25 sentences (one numbered 26-50) – (1 page)
  • Error analysis worksheetsAnswer version – (3 pages)

LEVEL: Lower Intermediate / Intermediate (CEFR – B1 Level)
AGE: 10+
Format: .PDF

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