We have created some new pages about the weather, the temperature and also about idioms to do with the weather.

Our vocabulary page about the weather in general includes the different types of rain, cloud, wind and other common vocabulary you need to know when talking about the weather. Even native speakers may find it useful, especially the part about the difference between a hurricane, a cyclone and a typhoon.

Here’s a chart from the page about weather:
Weather Vocabulary in English
We have also created a separate page explaining How to talk about the temperature in English and how hot or cold it is.

Here’s a chart from that page:
English vocabulary about the temperature
And we have also included a list of idioms in English about the weather. We have already talked about the meaning of the idiom “It’s raining cats and dogs” though there are many more that you should know that you will find here: Idioms about the weather in English. You can also play our game about Weather Idioms.

Once you have learned this vocabulary about the weather, then you might want to try our interactive game about a weather forecast. The chart below is from that game:
Weather forecast English game

So, How’s the weather where you are today? (Let us know in the comments)


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